Exclude Site24x7 monitoring traffic from Google Analytics
You can exclude traffic from the Site24x7 Web Transaction (Browser) monitor and Webpage Speed (Browser) traffic from Google Analytics in two ways. To exclude traffic for the Web Defacement monitor, you can follow the first method.
1. Creating a filter in Google Analytics for Site24x7
You can create a filter in the Google Analytics console to exclude traffic from Site24x7 from being shown in the Google Analytics View. For Web Transaction (Browser) and Webpage Speed (Browser), the unique minor version is \.Site24x7$, which can be used to exclude traffic.
How to configure the Google Analytics console:
- Log in to google.com/analytics and navigate to Admin > Data collection and modification > Data filters.

- Click the Create filter button.

Select the Internal traffic radio button from the Choose filter type section and add the following in the Filter details section:
Data filter name: Robot Traffic Site24x7
Filter Operation: Exclude
You can provide the Parameter value based on filtering with either a partial match (ends with Site24x7) or with a regular expression (\.Site24x7$).
The Parameter value to be used for the above monitors is Site24x7.
Note: Click here to learn more about filtering with a partial match or regular expression.
- Select the required Filter state and click Create.

By default, our user agents end with the Site24x7 parameter value. However, if you've specified a custom user agent (browser and version) in your monitor setup form, you must provide the exact Filter Pattern in the form field here to exclude robot traffic from Site24x7.
2. By Blocking domains in the Site24x7 Web client
Another option is to block Site24x7 from making a request itself to your webpage/web application using Block Domains option.
Block Domains option lets you configure multiple domain names that you want Site24x7 to ignore or not execute during monitoring. This can be achieved at a Monitor-level or Account-level.
Follow the steps mentioned below to block domains:
- Log In and navigate to Web > Web Transaction (Browser) / Webpage Speed (Browser) monitor
- After selecting your configured Web Transaction (Browser) monitor / Webpage Speed (Browser) monitor, hover over the hamburger icon and click Edit.

- In the Edit mode, click Block Domains. You'll be prompted with a dialogue box asking you to update the URL at the Monitor level or Account level. You can specify multiple domains at Monitor and Account level. In the Account-level Block list, enter the domain name google-analytics.com .
- Click Save to proceed. Once done, Save the monitor configuration.

If you've specified the block domain(s) at Monitor level, the Google Analytics traffic gets excluded from the specified monitor alone. However, if you've specified the domain(s) at the Account level, the traffic gets excluded from all the monitors in your Site24x7 account.

Note: The first point is applicable to Web Defacement monitor as well. The filter pattern to be used for this type of monitor is Site24x7.