How to host Site24x7 docker image into my private container registry

How to host Site24x7 docker image into my private container registry

To host Site24x7 docker image into your private container registry,  use the following steps:

  1. Log into your Cloud Container Registry in the terminal using the below command:
    docker login <ur_container_registry_login_server>

  2. Enter your username and password when prompted.

  3. Pull the site24x7 docker image using the following commands:
    docker pull site24x7/docker-agent:release1920
    docker tag site24x7/docker-agent:release1920 <ur_container_registry_login_server>/kubeagent:private
  4. Then push the image to your Cloud Container Registry using:
    docker push <ur_container_registry_login_server>/kubeagent:private

  5. Once the image is pushed, download the Site24x7 agent using the site24x7-agent.yaml file.

  6. Change the image name under the Containers section  
    - image: /site24x7/docker-agent:release1920
    - image: <ur_container_registry_login_server>/kubeagent:private
  1. Create a secret :
    kubectl create secret docker-registry kubeagentsecret --docker-server=<ur_container_registry_login_server> --docker-username=<user_name> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<email_id>

  2. Now use this ' kubeagentsecret ' in your site24x7-agent.yaml file.

  3. Create one more section named ' imagePullSecrets' under the spec section of the DameonSet kind parallel to the container and volumes section as:

              -   name: kubeagentsecret
     10. After making these changes, deploy the site24x7-agent.yaml file using the below command:
          kubectl apply -f  site24x7-agent.yaml  

Once this setup works, repeat the same steps for the  kubestate metrics image: 

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