Error while installing the Windows Server Monitoring agent
If an error occurs while manually installing the Windows agent, please follow the steps given below:
Check Windows Installer in Windows Service Manager:
- Make sure the Windows Installer service is up and running.
- Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools

- Click on Services and scroll to Windows Installer. Double click on it and a new dialog box will open

- Check to see if the Startup Type is set to Manual.
- Service status is usually stopped. Try and start the Windows Installer server. Click Ok

- Note and fix the error message if any
Re-registration of Windows Installer:
- Now, Go to Start and search for cmd. Right click and select, ‘Run as Administrator’
- In the command prompt, type:
msiexec.exe /unregister
msiexec.exe /regserver
After completion of the above steps, try to install the Windows agent again. If the problem persists, download and install the latest version of Windows Installer and try again.