How do you enable or disable Management Actions in your Windows server?

How do you enable or disable Management Actions in your Windows server?

Management Actions can be used to start or stop VM configurations in a Hyper-V server, services in a Windows server, or sites and application pools in an IIS server. These actions can't be performed if Management Actions is disabled in the server monitor.  

Management Actions can be enabled during the installation of the agent or when the agent is reinstalled. By default, Management Actions will remain enabled during installation.

Enabling and disabling Management Actions in Windows:  

If you use Windows, you can configure this setting during installation using InstallShield or by using commands.

While installing using InstallShield:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.

  2. Navigate to the Server tab on the left navigation pane.

  3. Click the + icon near the Servers tab under the Server Monitor drop-down.

  4. On the Add Server Monitor page, click the Windows icon.

  5. Click Download Site24x7 Windows Server Agent.

  6. Double-click the MSI file on the download panel and click Next.

  7. By default, Management Actions will remain enabled. You can check the box next to Disable Management Actions to disable it.

  8. Click Next and complete the installation process.

Management Actions


While installing using commands:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.

  2. Navigate to the Server tab on the left navigation pane.

  3. Click the + icon near the Servers tab under the Server Monitor drop-down.

  4. On the Add Server Monitor page, click the Windows icon.

  5. Click Download Site24x7 Windows Server Agent.

  6. Go to the download path in the Command Prompt.

  7. To enable Management Actions, execute the following command:

msiexec.exe /i Site24x7WindowsAgent.msi EDITA1=<Device Key> ENABLESILENT=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress MANAGEMENT_ACTIONS=TRUE /qn

  1. To disable Management Actions, execute the following command:

msiexec.exe /i Site24x7WindowsAgent.msi EDITA1=<Device Key> ENABLESILENT=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress MANAGEMENT_ACTIONS=FALSE /qn