How to deploy the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a sidecar container of your application

How to deploy the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a sidecar container of your application

Imagine a scenario where you are operating a Redis application within Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) on AWS Fargate, requiring monitoring. To accomplish this, you can deploy the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a secondary container, known as a sidecar, within the same Pod responsible for running the Redis application.

Install and deploy the Site24x7 server monitoring agent as a sidecar of your application. You can view the metrics of the node containing the Site24x7 agent as a sidecar. Follow the YAML script provided below to create your own sidecar and view metrics from your AWS Fargate Pod.

Below is the sample deployment file for a Redis application with the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a sidecar. Kindly download the script and save it as a YAML file. Change the device key and deploy it using the following command to get the monitoring started:
  1. kubectl apply -f  site24x7-redis-sidecar-agent.yaml

Here is the sample YAML file to deploy the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a sidecar container of the Pod running a Redis application.

For more information on adding the Site24x7 Kubernetes agent as a sidecar, refer to our help document here.
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