How to deploy the Site24x7 PHP agent in a Kubernetes environment?
For PHP version 7.0 and above
The PHP agent (PHP version 7.0 and above) can be deployed in a Kubernetes environment using any of the following methods.
You can also keep the license keys in a configmap to avoid using them in the deployment files.Using InitContainers
Refer to this
help page to understand the process of integrating the APM Insight PHP agent into your Kubernetes deployment using Init Containers.
Modifying the Dockerfile
Follow the steps given in this
help page to achieve the following:
- Install the PHP agent and S247DataExporter in the same docker container during the image build.
- Start the DataExporter using an Entry Point Script.

Instead of using an Entry Point Script, you can modify the Helm chart to start the S247DataExporter.
Helm chart modification to start the S247DataExporter:
- lifecycle:
- postStart:
- exec:
- command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ start"]
Without modifying the Dockerfile
- Download and install the PHP agent and S247DataExporter in the postStart lifecycle hook without modifying the Dockerfile.
- Restart the web server and FastCGI Process Manager (FPM).
Note: To restart the web server, use the command /etc/init.d/apache2 reload or kill -USR1 1 for Apache-based servers. If you are using NGINX- or FPM-based servers, include the command kill -USR2 1.
- lifecycle:
- postStart:
- exec:
- command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "wget -O && sh -license.key \"licensekey\" -zpa.application_name \"PHP-Application\" && wget -O && sh -root -nsvc -license.key \"licensekey\" && pkill -o -USR2 php-fpm"]
For PHP version below 7.0
The PHP agent (PHP version below 7.0) can be deployed in a Kubernetes environment using the following method.
With Helm charts
If you are deploying with Helm, you can include the installation script in the Helm charts file.

Add the following to the template folder or deployment.yaml, or if you prefer to use values.yaml, configure as follows:
- site24x7:
- apikey: <site24x7 license key>
- appname: <App name to be shown in APM>
Use the following configuration in lifecycle hooks:
Related articles
How to install various APM Insight agents in a Docker container
How to install various APM Insight agents in a Kubernetes environment