Dependency modules for Oracle plugin

Install the dependency module (oracledb) for the Oracle plugin

To add the Oracle plugin, ensure the following dependency module is installed on your server to connect to the Oracle database:
oracledb module for Python

Follow these steps to install the oracledb module:
  1. If your Python version is higher than 3.6, install the module with pip using the command below:
    pip3 install oracledb

  2. If your Python version is 3.6 or less, then upgrade the pip version and install the oracledb module. You can use the commands below to upgrade pip and then install oracledb.
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install oracledb
Once the modules are installed, download and install the latest version of the Site24x7 Linux monitoring agent and the plugin files. Learn more.

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