Closing Site24x7 account

Delete an organization permanently from Zoho accounts

Site24x7 is a service by Zoho. Site24x7 uses Zoho Account's single sign-on for secure login. To delete an organization account permanently, users will have to access their respective Zoho accounts. Only an Org Super Admin can delete the account. Once the account is deleted, you will not be able to access any other services from Zoho, including Site24x7. You need to delete all the users before deleting the organization.
If you have less than five users in your organization account, or if you created your Site24x7 account before 2019, please follow the steps mentioned below. 

Otherwise, please contact support to delete the organization or to clarify your doubts.

Here are the steps for the Organization Super Admin to delete the organization permanently:
  1. Login to
    Note: This link will direct you to the Create organization page. Provide a sample name in the Organization Name field. Please note that this will not create a new organization account. 

  2. Access Control Panel > Dashboard > Delete Organization > Choose Delete 
  3. In the pop-up that opens, choose to delete organization account from All Zoho services. Click Delete. 

  4. Enter your password and click Delete again.
Your account is now successfully deleted. You will be redirected to the Create organisation page again. You do not have to proceed further.

Please be informed that an account once deleted cannot be restored. All Zoho products mapped to this account (if any) will be deleted.

Otherwise, please contact support to delete the organization or to clarify your doubts.