DC migration steps for APM Insight agents
For Server based installations
1. Obtain the new device key.
2. Update the license.key value in the APM Insight configuration file (or the environment variable mentioned) with the new device key. The location varies for each agent, as listed below:
Agent type | File name | File location (Relative or Absolute) |
JAVA | apminsight.conf | <apminsight-javaagent.zip Extracted Directory>/ |
RUBY | apminsight.conf | <APP_HOME>/ |
DOTNET | apminsight.conf | %ProgramData%\DotnetAgent\<appname> |
DOTNET_CORE | apminsight.conf | <ApplicationPublishDirectory>\DotnetAgent\ |
PHP_WINDOWS | apminsight.conf | <INSTALLPATH>\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\bin |
PHP | apminsight.conf | /opt/zpa/bin/ |
NODEJS | apminsighnode.json | <application root directory> |
PYTHON | apminsight_info.json | <application root directory> |
All (except PHP) | S247_LICENSE_KEY | System Environment variable |
DOTNET_CORE (Windows) | S247_LICENSE_KEY | Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS |
3. Log in to the server and delete the existing instance information files. Please find the below for the location of the instance files based on the agent:
Agent type | File name | File location (Relative or Absolute) |
JAVA | apminsight.info | <apminsight-javaagent.zip Extracted Directory>/ |
RUBY | apminsight.info | <APP_HOME>/ |
DOTNET | apminsight.net.info | %ProgramData%\DotnetAgent\<Appname> |
DOTNET_CORE | apminsight.net.info | <ApplicationPublishDirectory>\DotnetAgent\ |
PHP_WINDOWS | instance.out | <INSTALLPATH>\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\bin |
PHP | instance.out | /opt/zpa/bin/ |
NODEJS | apminsight.json | <application root directory>/apminsightdata |
4. Restart the application server and the respective service. The service name varies for each agent, as listed below:
Agent type | Service name |
JAVA | <application server>
(eg: Tomcat, JBoss, etc.) |
RUBY | <application> |
DOTNET | APM Insight .NET Agent Service (Windows) |
DOTNET_CORE | <application server> or dotnet process |
PHP_WINDOWS | APM Insight PHP Agent service |
PHP | zpdpsvc |
NODEJS | <application server> or npm process |
PYTHON | <application> |
In Serverless Set-up
In Containers and Kubernetes
Rebuild the image in Environment variables or the apminsight.conf file with the new device key.
Delete the existing information files (if found) under volume mapping.
Stop the existing containers and spawn new ones with the updated image.
In Elastic Beanstalk
- Device key set in .ebextension file
- Update the device key present in the .ebextension or apminsight.config file.
- Add a command to delete the existing instance information files (refer to above for locations).
- Re-deploy the application with the new .ebextension or apminsight.config file.
- Device key set in EBS environment variable
- Update the EBS device key from the EBS console by editing the S247_LICENSE_KEY variable.
- Add a command to the .ebextension or apminsight.config file to delete existing instance information files (refer to above for locations).
- Re-deploy the application with the new .ebextension or apminsight.config file.
In Azure VM Extension or App Service Extension (.NET & .NET Core)
- Uninstall the existing extension.
- Reinstall the extension with the updated device key.
Azure Web Apps (Java)
- Navigate to the agent extracted directory, usually located in APP_HOME/WEB-INF/lib/site24x7.
- Update the device key present in the apminsight.config file.
- Delete the apminsight.info file present in the same directory.
- Restart the Azure Web App.
Kubernetes postStart lifecycle (PHP)
- Change the apikey parameter for the installation script in the Kubernetes postStart lifecycle event or the values.yaml file in Helm charts.
- Re-deploy your application/service.
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