Customize instrumentation in PHP agent

How to customize instrumentation in PHP agent?

By default, the following components are tracked: CASSANDRA, CURL, MSSQL, MYSQL, ORACLE, PDO, and POSTGRES. These can be individually enabled or disabled by modifying the corresponding ini directive in the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows).

Configuration to enable components tracking:
In the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows),
zpa.capture_casssandra = 1 
zpa.capture_http = 1 
zpa.capture_mssql = 1 
zpa.capture_mysql = 1 
zpa.capture_oracle = 1 
zpa.capture_pdo = 1 
zpa.capture_postgres = 1 
Configuration to disable components tracking:
In the zpa.ini (Linux) or php.ini (Windows),
zpa.capture_casssandra = 0 
zpa.capture_http = 0 
zpa.capture_mssql = 0 
zpa.capture_mysql = 0 
zpa.capture_oracle = 0 
zpa.capture_pdo = 0 
zpa.capture_postgres = 0 
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