How does Site24x7 Kubernetes monitor calculate the memory and CPU utilization for pods?

How does Site24x7 Kubernetes monitor calculate the memory and CPU utilization for pods?

Site24x7 Kubernetes Monitor uses the kubelet API and kube-state-metrics API to collect the metrics related to memory and CPU utilization.

For memory utilization, the calculation works as follows:

Working set size (WSS) memory usage

---------------------------------------------       x 100 = Memory utilization (%)

              Memory limit of pod



WSS memory usage = 150MiB

Memory limit set for that pod = 256MiB

Memory utilization by percentage = 150 / 256 x 100 = 58.5%


For CPU utilization, the calculation works as follows:

   CPU usage

--------------------        x 100 = CPU utilization (%)

CPU limit of pod


CPU usage = 200 millicores

CPU limit of that pod = 400 millicores

CPU utilization in percentage = 200 / 400 x 100 = 50%

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