Average resource utilization by Kubernetes agent

Average resource utilization by Kubernetes agent

The resource consumption of our Kubernetes monitoring agent can vary based on factors such as your managed Kubernetes service provider and resource counts. To provide an average estimation of resource usage, the agent typically utilizes:
  1. A maximum of 200mCores of CPU utilization.
  2. Not more than 300MiB of memory.
These figures are calculated for a standard Kubernetes monitoring setup with the following parameters.
Cluster Size :
  1. Nodes: 50
  2. Pods: 1000
  3. Containers: 1000
  4. Deployments: 50
  5. ReplicaSets: 100
  6. DaemonSets: 50
  7. Services: 25
  8. Events Data enabled for all resource types
Please note that these estimations serve as an illustrative representation and may vary based on your specific configuration and usage patterns.