APM Insight monitor not getting added to my account
The most probable reason will be a wrong license key used while adding the agent. Check if you have added the agent in the application with the correct license key.
If you have used the correct license key and still the monitor is not getting added, do the following checks.
- Check if you have restarted/started the Application Server where you have deployed the agent
- Specify your proxy server configuration if there is a proxy server between APM Insight agent and Site24x7 server
- To check if there is a proxy, open a browser in the APM Insight agent machine and try to connect to https://site24x7.com/. It should display the login page of Site24x7. Check whether any proxy server is configured in the browser and specify those values in apminsight.conf

Customers also searched this KB for the below problem statements:
- The DotNet Core application is not coming up on the Site24x7 portal.
- The agent is not able to connect to the Site24x7 service.
- We installed the APM .Net agent in our application server yesterday; however, we are still not receiving the URL (uat.myndsaas.com) in the console.
- The user has installed the Dotnet Core agent in the application; however, the monitor is not getting added to Site24x7.
- Why is my APM installed (PHP) not visible on my dashboard?
- I installed the agent on our Linux EC2 instance; however, I don't see anything reporting to the Site24x7 portal.
- I configured the APM agent on a Windows server, but it is not visible in the console.
- I installed Node.js monitoring as needed, but I don't know how to see it in the dashboard.
Top Phrases/Keywords used: Site24x7 URL running on server, active transactions, hostname, no data, restart the APM insight agent service, Java, PHP, NodeJS, RubyonRails,.net, .netcore, perform some transactions, apminsight.info, services.msc, advanced monitoring license limit, diagnostic zip file, APM Insight health monitor tool, advanced license count, .Net framework, monitor is not getting added.
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