API exceeded error

API exceeded error

Why do I get an API exceeded error after a few attempts?
Every API has a certain limit to the number of requests a user can hit within a period of time, called the rate limit. An error message is triggered when a user does one of the following actions:
  1. Repeatedly refreshes a page
  2. Triggers the same action multiple times
  3. Makes multiple requests within a short span of time
The error message will notify them that they have exceeded the number of requests they can make within a specified time limit.

Use case
For instance, an API can set a throttle of 10 requests for five minutes. If a user keeps reloading the page, they will receive this error. 

What are the factors based on which an API sets the rate limit?
Different APIs set different rate limits for the number of requests that a user can make. It may depend on several factors like the frequency of usage, server capacity, and network traffic. 

What do I do when encountering such an error?
  1. If you are accessing through a browser or an API console, you can pause for some minutes and then continue with the actions.
  2. If you are using an API bot or script, you can include wait or sleep methods to give a pause between the actions to prevent overloading the requests.