Executables and scripts to allow for Windows server monitoring
One of the reasons you could not enable Site24x7 server monitoring could be your organization's group policy denying access to the executables, scripts, and batch files associated with Site24x7 server monitoring. Mark the following executables, scripts, and batch files as a safe process and allow access for seamless Windows server monitoring:
Executable files (.exe) to be allowed
For server monitoring:
- MEEAgentHelper.exe
- MonitoringAgent.exe
- Site24x7WindowsAgentTrayIcon.exe
- Site24x7WindowsAgentUpgrade.exe
- Site24x7ITAutomation.exe
- Site24x7WinCommunicator.exe (if TLS1.2 is not enabled)
For monitoring using plugins: Site24x7PluginAgent.exe
For Microsoft Applications monitoring: Site24x7AppAgent.exe
For log management using Applogs: Site24x7ApplogAgent.exe
VB Scripts (.vbs), PowerShell scripts (.ps1), and batch scripts (.bat) to be allowed:
- FindProcess.vbs
- Restart.bat
- ShortCut.bat
- ShortCut.vbs
- StartServer.bat
- StartService.vbs
- StopServer.bat
- StopService.vbs
- GetProcessAndServiceDetails.ps1
- GetProcessAndServiceDetails.vbs
- GetProcessDetails.vbs
- GetServiceDetails.vbs
- MessageBox.bat
- MessageBox.vbs
- s247CloudMetaData.ps1
- S247CPUUsage.vbs
- s247DirectoryCheck.vbs
- s247DirectoryFileCheck.vbs
- s247DirectorySize.vbs
- s247DirectorySizeCheck.vbs
- S247DiskUsage.vbs
- S247FirewallProfile.vbs
- S247GetProcessDetails.ps1
- S247GetProcessDetails.vbs
- S247LogicalProcessors.vbs
- S247LogonDetails.vbs
- S247makelink.vbs
- S247NetworkAdapter.vbs
- S247NTPOffsetCheck.ps1
- S247PerfmonWMI.ps1
- S247PermissionCheck.ps1
- s247quitprocess.vbs
- S247ServerInventory.ps1
- S247ServerParams.ps1
- S247ServiceAndProcessDiscovery.ps1
- S247ServiceAndProcessDiscovery.vbs
- S247StopCommunicationExtention.vbs
- S247SwapMemory.vbs
- s247TraceRoute.vbs
- S247TrayIconStart.bat
- searchstring.vbs
- ServerMetrics.vbs
For Microsoft Exchange (MS Exchange) monitoring:
- Exchange2007InventoryDetails.ps1
- Exchange2010InventoryDetails.ps1
- Exchange2013InventoryDetails.ps1
- Exchange2016InventoryDetails.ps1
- Exchange2019InventoryDetails.ps1
- ExecuteRemoteInstall.ps1
For Active Directory monitoring:
- S247ADInventoryDetails.vbs
- S247ADSystemList.vbs
For HyperV monitoring:
- S247Hyperv.ps1
- S247Hyperv.vbs
- S247HypervDiscovery.ps1
- S247HypervVMActions.ps1
- S247HypervVMDiscovery.ps1
- S247HypervVMUpdateActions.ps1
- S247HypVMMemory.ps1
- S247HypVMProcessor.ps1
For IIS monitoring:
- S247iisExportConfig.ps1
For Windows Update monitoring:
- S247PendingUpdate.ps1
- S247WindowsPendingUpdate.ps1
- S247WindowsUpdateHistory.ps1
- For Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) and SQL Cluster monitoring:
- S247SQLCluster.ps1
- S247SQLDBDiscovery.ps1
For Windows Failover Cluster monitoring:
- S247wincluster_config.vbs
For Windows Backup monitoring:
- S247WindowsBackup.ps1
- S247WindowsBackupCopies.ps1
- S247WindowsBackupDiscovery.ps1
For Microsoft SharePoint monitoring:
- Sharepoint.ps1
- sharePointServerDetails.ps1
For Skype for Business monitoring:
- SkypeforBusinessDiscovery.ps1
- SkypeforBusinessServices.ps1