I have been writing custom plugins to monitor log files and report is certain jobs have failed. I can write a custom plugin to generate a message that might contain 3 job failures that it has detected during the polling interval that would look something like this:
(not real JSON, pseudo JSON):
msg0: "JOBXXX has failed UUID = xxxxx"
msg1: "JOBYYY has failed UUID = yyyyy"
msg2: "JOBZZZ has failed UUID = zzzzz"
At present, we get one call raised to our ticketing system though the API call that contains each of the messages in a single case.
Would really like to be able to have an option where each line is parsed separately and generates an individual call to the API that creates cases in our ticketing system.
If each of the three failures needs to go to a different team member, it's difficult to manage when all 3 are recorded on a single case.